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Red Riding Hood

Stage Tour 

27th November 2019 to 17th January 2020

Rah Rah Theatre Company aims to take theatre into the community that makes an impact, having a particular focus on using Theatre for Social Change so as to raise awareness and using theatre as a form of therapy. They specialise in physical theatre, audience interaction and using drama therapy techniques.

Every Winter, the company takes a traditional pantomime into care homes, retirement homes, assisted living accommodations and more. Rob took on the role as the Dame and the Wolf in Red Riding Hood and with two other company members took the show across Greater London, Surrey and Kent.


Each show is full of songs, dance routines and plenty of audience interaction. 



Director - Jude Spooner

Choreography - Peter Martindale

Tour Booker - Suzanne David



Red Riding Hood - Ben Meyer

Dame / Wolf - Rob Peacock

Gran / Countess / Prince - Gemski

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